~* Foot Detox Pads/Patches *~

Posted on 8:39 AM

The Detox Foot Patch... is a natural way to assist your body in the removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more. Detoxify your body today, to potentially regain your health and vitality by promoting a strong immune system and healthy lymphatic functions naturally - through the usage of the original Detox Foot Patch.

Formulated in Japan, and utilizing only the highest purity of ingredients and the optimum blending ratios for maximimum results - the Detox Foot Pad provides the one-two punch of the powerful detoxifying ingredients, in conjunction with tourmaline (the negative ion & far infrared producing mineral) to provide an unparalleled and effective external cleansing experience.

WHO NEEDS Detox Foot Patch?
  • Anyone wanting to do a detoxification programme
  • People who become fatigued easilyPeople whose hands and feet are cold and become easily swollen
  • People who feel pain or soreness in shoulders, neck or back
  • People who feel a twinge in the knee-joints
  • People who feel heavy and burdensome
  • People who are engaged in physical labour
  • People who work standing up or who drive for a long time
  • People who take care of their health
  • People who need help sleeping
  • Convalescence after childbirth, the old and feeble, housewives, students, office workers, etc.

Some of the Benefits Of Detox Pads:

Detox pads detoxify your body, removing impurities, increasing energy, reducing stress and anxiety, improving circulation, and relieving aches and pains. Detoxifying with Kinoki pads also improves your sleep, eases headaches, enhances mental focus and concentration, plus increases metabolism and reduces fatigue.

*Headaches, migraines or brain fog
*Backache, back pain
*Fatigue, general lack of energy
*Bloating or digestive distress
*Joint swelling or pain
*Water retention
* Diabetes
*Heart problems
*Prolonged use of medication
*Exposure to chemicals such as paint, cleaning solvents etc
*Brittle hair or fingernails
*Bad breath

How to use the foot Patch:
user posted image
1/ Remove the larger piece from the adhesive sheet and discard. Place the side of the pad that has the wording onto the adhesive plaster.
2/ Place the Foot Patch onto its center, making sure that the writing on the sachets is facing down toward the adhesive surface.
3/ Stick and spread firmly onto the sole of your foot. For best results, put them on some time before bedtime, you can wear them around the house if you sleep less than 8 hours.
4/ Allow 8 to 12 hours for toxins to be fully absorbed from your body before removing the Foot Patches. They can be used on other parts of the body where you feel pain.
The pads may feel warm after you have put them on. During the night the pads will become dark in colour as they absorb toxins and waste matter from your body. They may also become sticky depending on the levels of toxins present.
Wear the pads for at least 8 hours a night for maximum effect.
The more toxins you have in your body the darker the patch will be when removed.
With continued use the pads will become lighter. You may detox in a few days or take longer depending on the state your body is in! When the pad is pale your body is pure.

~* Paling Murah! Detox Foot Patch *~

Posted on 8:35 AM

The Detox Foot Patch ... adalahcara alami untuk membantu tubuh anda dalam penghapusan logam berat,sisa metabolik, racun, parasit mikroskopik, lendir, kimia, selulit danbanyak lagi. Detoksifikasitubuh anda hari ini, anda berpotensi mendapatkan kembali kesehatan danvitalitas dengan mempromosikan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang kuat dansihat secara semulajadi fungsi Limfatik - melalui penggunaan asli DetoxFoot Patch.

Diformulasikandi Jepun, dan hanya menggunakan bahan kemurnian tertinggi dan nisbahpencampuran optimum untuk keputusan maximimum - yang Detox Foot Padmenyediakan satu-dua pukulan daripada bahan-bahan racun yang kuat,bersama dengan turmalin (ion negatif far infrared & menghasilkanmineral ) untuk memberikan yang tak tertandingi dan berkesan pengalaman pembersihan luaran.


Detoxdetoksifikasi pembalut tubuh anda, menghilangkan kotoran, meningkatkantenaga, mengurangkan stres dan kecemasan, meningkatkan sirkulasi, danmenghilangkan rasa sakit dan nyeri. Detoksifikasidengan Kinoki tuala juga meningkatkan tidur anda, meredakan sakitkepala, meningkatkan tumpuan mental dan konsentrasi, ditambahmeningkatkan metabolisme dan mengurangkan keletihan.

* Sakit kepala, migrain atau otak kabut
* Sakit belakang, nyeri punggung
* Kegemukan
* Kelelahan, kurangnya tenaga
* Depressiona
* Kembung atau pencernaan tertekan
* Bersama pembengkakan atau nyeri
* Air retensi
* Arthritis
* Diabetes
* Heart masalah
* Kanker
* Berkepanjangan penggunaan ubat
* Hubungi dengan bahan kimia seperti cat, larutan pembersih dll
* Psoriasis
* Rapuh rambut atau kuku
* Sembelit
* Buruk napas

Cara menggunakan:

1 / Padam bahagian yang lebih besar dari lembaran pelekat dan buang. Tempatkan sisi pad yang mempunyai kata-kata kepada plester.
2 / Foot Patch Tempatkan ke pusat, memastikan bahawa tulisan di sachet menghala ke arah permukaan pelekat.

3 / Stick dan menyebar dengan kuat ke telapak kaki anda. Untukhasil terbaik, menempatkan mereka pada beberapa waktu sebelum tidur,anda boleh memakainya di rumah jika anda tidur kurang daripada 8 jam.

4 / Izinkan 8-12 jam untuk secara penuh racun diserap dari tubuh anda sebelum mengeluarkan Foot Patch. Mereka boleh digunakan pada bahagian lain dari tubuh di mana anda merasa sakit.
Bantalan mungkin terasa hangat selepas anda memakainya. Selama malam bantalan akan menjadi berwarna gelap kerana menyerap racun dan masalah limbah dari tubuh anda. Mereka mungkin juga menjadi likat bergantung pada tahap racun sekarang.
Memakai bantalan untuk minimal 8 jam setiap malam untuk kesan maksimum.
Semakin banyak racun yang ada di tubuh anda lebih gelap akan patch ketika dihapuskan.
Dengan terus menggunakan bantalan akan menjadi lebih ringan. Anda mungkin detoks dalam beberapa hari atau lebih lama bergantung pada negara bahagian tubuh anda di! Ketika pad pucat tubuh anda adalah murni.

~* 价排毒美容,清体养颜足贴 *~

Posted on 12:48 AM

O 排毒美容、清体养颜、吸脂减肥,促进新 陈代谢、增强免疫功能;
O 促进睡眠、舒缓疲劳、改善便秘、口臭及腹胀现象,塑身美体;
O 清除体内杂质、净化血液、改善色斑、青春痘、体臭、脚臭
O 祛除体内湿气,足底或关节部位的压力迅速减轻关节炎的疼痛,风湿的烦恼;
O 活化细胞,肌肤重现健康、亮泽状态,延缓衰老
O 平衡人体脏器功能,降血脂、降血压、降血糖




竹酢是从孟宗竹中萃取的白色结晶粉末其分子式为:C9H10N2O – O2 PH值为2.0-3.0分子束很小,结构十分不稳定,当受到足部温度影响时变得相当活跃,极易与脂肪CnH2n+等物质发生反应,形成稳固结构,白色的竹酢会因吸收脂肪废液变成黑色固体膏状,并散发出特殊的气味,而在人体其他的部位效果不会如此明显。因个人体质不同,连续使用3-4个周期,竹酢颜色变化:黑色→褐色→浅黄→不变色。同时你将真切的感受到整个人神清气爽,体态变得从未有过的轻盈!彻底根除!



O 军之贡足底排毒贴通过对足底及相关经络反射区的作用,竹酢精华等成分渗透并参与循环系统,在循环过程中将体内细胞间滞留的毒素吸附出来,在足底穴位及相关 经络的反射区(或其它关节部位)将人体的废物、废液和油脂从穴位中截获,并排解竹酢袋中,有效去除身体久积 的毒素及湿气,神奇、稳定、持久的效果看得见也感受得到。

O 短时间内可消除皮肤色斑、座疮,改善便秘、消除口臭、足臭、塑身美体,降低血脂、血压、血糖,提高皮肤光 泽度,改善睡眠并延缓衰老。贴在关节部位可起到消除 疼痛及疲劳的作用,对关节炎、颈椎炎等都有非常好的效果。

O 足贴将人体内的湿气、毒素从足底排出,效果直观看得见,足底流出褐色液体令人震惊,还可以将体内的脂肪 分解成油脂离子,从足底拔出达到减肥的功能,效果非 常明显。

O 足贴能从人体抽吸出不必要的水分、淋巴液、废油后变成浑浊液体,当你感到疲劳或有疼痛不舒服的地方,使 用此贴后,贴袋会变为褐色或黑褐色,废油、废液统统 被吸出。

O 老年人常见的风湿寒痛、肿胀、腿沉腿僵、扭伤等,贴后均会有很好的效果,通过 排毒,疼痛会减轻,浮肿会消失,对肩痛、腰酸、关节痛等症状明显减轻。





~随着足贴使用次数的增加,体内毒素被不断的排出而开始减少,贴袋颜色逐渐变浅至不发生变化,人体各项机能逐渐恢复到正常健康状态。 减轻肩颈酸痛时,除了脚底要贴外,肩颈酸痛部位也要









Real Sample Pic

Real Sample Pic
Detox Foot Patches

How To Order?

Please Contact:

Roy Lee 012-2300138


MSN: weilun1314@hotmail.com

RM0.75 per pc ONLY!